How to apply
Course fee calculator
Domestic fee paying and international students
Domestic Students
You’re considered a domestic student, if you are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or you are an Australian permanent resident.
Applying for a postgraduate coursework degree
You can apply online directly to CUA via the CUA Online Application System without attracting an application fee. Direct applicants should submit any supporting documentation with their application form.
Applying for a higher degree research (PhD or master's by research)
Applying for a research degree (e.g. Masters by research or PhD) can be daunting, here’s a step by step guide and key dates to help you.
Visit how to apply for a research degree webpage.
You might also find the Find a Supervisor search tool and the Faculty’s Research Areas webpages useful.
International students
If you’re not an Australian or New Zealand citizen, or Australian permanent resident, you need to apply through CUA International.
Students whose prior education was not conducted in English must also meet our English language requirements.
How to accept your offer
If you have an offer to study at CUA, and want to accept it please use START at CUA to accept your offer.