Mathematics, Statistics and Analytics career options
Mathematics, Statistics and Analytics
Mathematicians, statisticians and data analysts are in high demand. They work in a wide range of areas including business, health, economics, engineering, market research, physical sciences and social sciences.
Some of these careers pathways include:
- academia and education,
- secondary maths teaching
- consultation for government and private sector
- security or defence areas
- analyst, such as air-traffic flow at airports
- major banks, such as calculating the optimum distribution of bank branches
- set rates for the insurance industry
- predictive modelling, such as industrial inventory control
- predictive modelling for environmental sciences
- meteorology / oceanography
- finance, accounting, banking, insurance
- investment, portfolio optimisation
- stock market prediction/analysis
- policy advisor on quantitative analysis
- strategic planning
- information systems and technology research and development
- computing and software design
quantitative finance analyst
operations research
analytical and computing consulting
games development
option pricing
prediction of movements in international money markets
financial risk management
View the list of mathematics, statistics and analytics courses offered at CUA.
[inspiring music playing]
[Shot of Jasmine with numbers projected over her face, sequence of shots of Jasmine working]
As a data analyst I solve real life problems every day, whether it be reviewing IT or overall controls or building fundamental restructures. My name is Jasmine, I am a mathematician and a senior analyst at Deloitte.
[Shot of Jasmine talking and walking with other colleague, discussing work in group around table]
As an analyst I assist financial services institutes with their problems that may arise through the investment process so this includes any risk that may arise from capital, market or liquidity risks that can happen.
[Jasmine talking to camera]
I think there’s a huge stigma of banks ripping people off and general bad practices and I want to reshape the financial services industry so that people have trust in where they’re putting their money and where they’re investing their money for the future.
[Jasmine working on computer, discussing work]
Having done a maths degree at CUA, it’s really helped the way I approach a problem. For others looking to do analytics at CUA I’d say take advantage of your lecturers- they are the most friendliest, biggest support that you could have throughout your university career.
[Jasmine talking to camera]
Since graduating from CUA, I’ve utilised the skills that I’ve learnt from my maths degree. A mathematician’s skillset does not lie with the numbers of formulas that you learn but more so a way of thinking and a way you approach problems.