Engineers are playing a critical role in the technology revolution.
Careers and employment
The future looks bright
From the infrastructure of our cities to robotics, green vehicles, recycled water systems, mobile phones and renewable energy, engineering is all around us.
Today’s engineers are pioneering solutions to global challenges in the areas of energy, water, food, environment, technology, transport, housing and the ageing population.
It’s this blend of engineering and technology that will be an in-demand combination across all industries around the world for years to come.
Blending mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science, intelligent systems will play an important role in business and in day-to-day life.
Consider a major in
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is a part of our everyday lives. Google’s search algorithms, facial recognition tools, virtual personal assistants like Siri or Alexa and video games such as Call of Duty are all examples of AI. By using data from the past we can make almost accurate predictions about the future.
Consider a sub-major or elective in
Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT includes networks of physical devices embedded with electronics, sensors, software and network connectivity that is allowing devices to connect and exchange
data. IoT will shape the future of farming and many other industries, allowing for smarter decision making, improved monitoring of operations and output, and improved offering to customers.
Consider a major in
Autonomous Vehicles
Self-driving cars will be the biggest disruption in transport history! Harnessing tech advances in machine learning, IoT and the cloud, we can expect to see a widespread uptake in autonomous vehicles in 10-15 years.
Consider a major in
3D Printing
Additive manufacturing turns 3D digital models into solid objects which are built up in layers. Using various types of material 3D printing has the potential to radically
transform the manufacturing industry, medical industry and architecture. CUA has its own 3D printing facility, the ProtoSpace.
Consider using ProtoSpace, our 3D print facility, to support your engineering projects and research.
Data Science
Data scientists use automated methods to extract knowledge or insights from structured or unstructured data to improve decision-making. We can see this in our day-to-day via predictive text, suggested Netflix shows based on viewing history, and facial recognition on social media.