Music and Sound Design Portfolio Scheme
- Are you a non-current school leaver (are not completing Year 12 in 2024)?
- Are you a current school leaver and worried that your academic results may not get you a place?
The CUA Music and Sound Design Portfolio Scheme provides up to an additional five adjustment points towards your selection rank based on an assessment of a portfolio of music and sound design work that allows us to assess your suitability for the course.
Follow the instructions below to submit your portfolio.
Application dates
The Music and Sound Design Portfolio Scheme is open from Monday, 11th November to Sunday, 8 December 2024. You might want to start preparing your portfolio now so that you can submit your best work by the closing date. Make sure you submit your portfolio on time as late applications will not be accepted.
To be considered for an offer to CUA, you must:
- Meet the CUA matriculation requirements
- Have submitted an application via UAC and have put in a preference for at least one of the following CUA courses in your UAC application:
- Bachelor of Music and Sound Design (600006)
- Bachelor of Music and Sound Design Bachelor of International Studies (609296)
- Bachelor of Music and Sound Design Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation (609490)
How to apply
Follow these steps to submit your portfolio:
- Submit your UAC application. Take note of the UAC reference number as we’ll need it to match your portfolio submission to your application.
- Put the Bachelor of Music and Sound Design (or one of the combined degrees) as one of your preferences. We won’t be able to apply your adjustment points otherwise.
- Prepare the following items for your portfolio submission on the form below:
- Your UAC reference number.
- A written submission of no more than 400 words explaining your interest in studying Music and Sound Design at CUA and outlining your music and/or sound design interests and achievements. Include details of AMEB or other qualifications.
- Supporting audio-visual material including URL links to videoed performance, recorded composition, music production or sound design work (YouTube, Vimeo or SoundCloud recommended). A maximum of three items will be considered. For each item, include detail of your role in their creation and details of collaborators or other sources of media submitted.
- A three-minute video recording of you talking to camera explaining the works in your portfolio and your role in their creation (YouTube or Vimeo recommended). You may highlight aspects of the work submitted that help identify this as your work and that you think demonstrate your capacity for success at CUA.
- A CV/resume.
- When you have prepared and checked the above items, submit them using the Music and Sound Design Portfolio Scheme application form (Applications will open on Thursday, 14 November).
Frequently asked questions
I am expecting an ATAR higher than the threshold or I already have adjustment factor award points for my HSC Music subjects. Do I still need to submit a portfolio?
If you are confident that your selection rank will exceed the threshold for admission there is no need to submit a portfolio.
What happens after my portfolio is submitted?
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences will review all submitted portfolios and you’ll receive adjustments to your selection rank if you’re eligible. If you meet the requirements for admission, you will receive an offer in the December or January UAC offer rounds.
How do I submit my recordings in my portfolio?
Use YouTube, Vimeo or SoundCloud links to provide us access to your works in your portfolio. Make sure these can be accessed from the links you provide. Missing or inaccessible links will not be assessed.
How should I record my talk to camera?
You can use a phone or laptop, as long as we can hear your voice clearly.
When can I submit my portfolio?
The Music and Sound Design Portfolio Scheme is open from Monday, 11 November, to Sunday, 11 December. Late submissions will not be accepted.
How do I know you received my portfolio?
You will get an automated response when you submit. We will not contact you to confirm that your portfolio has been assessed, but your offer will be based on the selection rank we determine.
I have more questions, who should I contact?
Visit our FAQ page or ASK CUA.