Concurrent Study
In exceptional circumstances, CUABusiness School students may be allowed to study a limited number of subjects at another tertiary institution and have these counted towards their CUAcourse.
However, students cannot undertake a concurrent study if CUAoffers the equivalent subject during the Autumn or Spring semesters or students wish to accelerate their studies.
Students must apply before starting studies at another institution and must have prior approval from CUABusiness School. Students who complete subjects at another institution without prior approval for Concurrent Study may not have credit granted.
Students must complete an Application for Concurrent Study form, including a personal statement of the reason for the application. Applications must be submitted at least four weeks before the start of the semester, or other teaching period, during which the student wishes to undertake the study. The official subject outlines (including topics covered, class hours, type of assessment and textbooks) must be attached to the application.
CUABusiness School students who wish to take part in the BUILD short-term overseas program or to Study Abroad at an institution that does not have a formal exchange agreement with CUAmay use the Concurrent Study form if they want this study to count towards their CUAcourse.