The exact amount of tuition fees that you will pay depends on the subjects you enrol in and the particular course you’re studying. For each teaching period, your enrolment is finalised on the census date and you become financially liable for the tuition fees for those subjects in which you are enrolled.
Local undergraduate coursework costs
The annual student contribution amount (the amount that students need to pay for their tuition) for a full-time Commonwealth Supported Student is available on the Student Administration Unit website, but should only be used as a guide.
More detailed information on undergraduate fees includes the tuition fee calculator, domestic fee paying places and payment options.
There are also additional costs for textbooks and resources, which may vary depending on students' preferences.
HECS-HELP is among the cheapest loan available to help local students invest in their career. If eligible, HECS-HELP can cover all or part of your tuition fees to a maximum amount - the HECS-HELP loan limit, over your lifetime. The amount you repay each year is a percentage of your income. The percentage increases as your income increases, so the more you earn, the higher your repayment will be. The ATO will calculate your compulsory repayment for the year and include it on your income tax notice of assessment. It is interest free and indexed only to inflation, and is available to eligible domestic undergraduate students. For more information on HECS-HELP, visit CUAInformation on HECS-HELP loans.
It is important to note that you must have a Tax File Number in order to defer your fees to a HELP loan scheme.
Local postgraduate coursework costs
The postgraduate coursework fee calculator specifies costs for each credit point (cp). Multiply the credit point cost by the load credit points in your preferred course to find the total tuition cost. Alternatively, multiply the subject cost by the number of subjects in your course.
More detailed information on postgraduate fees includes fees for current students, employer payment details and payment options.
FEE-HELP is among the cheapest loan available to help local students invest in their career. If eligible, FEE-HELP can cover all or part of your tuition fees to a maximum amount - the FEE-HELP loan limit, over your lifetime. The amount you repay each year is a percentage of your income. The percentage increases as your income increases, so the more you earn, the higher your repayment will be. The ATO will calculate your compulsory repayment for the year and include it on your income tax notice of assessment. It is interest free and indexed only to inflation, and is available to eligible domestic students undertaking all postgraduate course-work. For more information visit CUAInformation on FEE-HELP loans.
It is important to note that you must have a Tax File Number in order to defer your fees to a HELP loan scheme.
Local postgraduate research costs
For more information about the postgraduate research application process, including scholarships, please refer to our information on postgraduate research.
International student costs
For tuition fees for international students, refer to fees information.
Fee calculator
You can calculate your tuition fees of your course by searching the course name or number in our online fee calculator. The results will then show you the cost per credit point and the total number of credit points in the course. To work out how much per subject, simply multiply this amount by the number of credit points your subjects is worth (usually 6, though sometimes 8 or more). You do not need to pay for your whole course up front, just the subjects you are studying that session.
When calculating your fees, remember that tuition fees increase annually.