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The CUAExecutive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) is a dynamic, flexible program designed for experienced professionals, start-up founders and Indigenous leaders
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    What is the Executive MBA?

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  • Associate Professor Melissa Edwards
    We're living in a world of change. So corporate transformation is the new norm of business, and change-makers play a critical role in helping companies change, adapt and grow, and also to become more resilient in the face of all this dynamic change.

    Associate Professor Jochen Schweitzer
    As you are planning the next step in your career, you need to develop those skills and capabilities to drive change, and that's true for a corporate career but also true for a career in startups. So, really, this program helps you to prepare for such a future, by engaging with the knowledge and skills that you need to drive change.

    Melissa Edwards
    We also have the capacity for you to be able to choose elective subjects, which are kind of cutting edge topics that are relevant to the contemporary business environment right now, as well as specialise in stream areas around corporate transformation, Indigenous nation building or entrepreneurship.

    Jochen Schweitzer
    So you would come to class, engage with industry experts and professors here at the CUABusiness School; and some have a blended mode, where you are having some online and some in-class experiences.

    You can also study the program quite flexibly, depending on how much time you actually have to study. So you can take it in 14 months or two or even three years.

    In this very diverse cohort of people, you get to engage with people from backgrounds that you’re probably not used to engaging with, and that makes a really interesting study and learning experience.

    Melissa Edwards
    You also have the opportunity to engage in some of our residential-type programs. We have a leadership residential that begins the course, where you get some time off-site, to really understand yourself, and then we have the global business practicum, which is your opportunity to take a study, with your peers, overseas, in a country of your choice.

    Jochen Schweitzer
    The strategic design studio and other labs are key features of the program because they get you to engage with real context and real problem spaces, and this could either be a client's project or it could be a project that you bring into the program – so something that you work on, or if you're in the entrepreneurship stream of the program, your own venture.

    Nicholas Crampton, Executive EMBA candidate
    I did the EMBA because I was a bit stagnant in my career. I needed to develop a mindset that wasn't just my sort of area of expertise, so I needed a different way of thinking and I knew that the CUAEMBA would offer that.

    Carla J Samaha, Executive EMBA candidate
    The best thing about the EMBA is studying with people who are professionals, and it was just this unique dynamic group that really threw in a whole heap of different experience and tools, and it was a great creative space.

    Rina Sitohan, Executive EMBA candidate
    If you have a business idea or you have already a business startup, you learn how to grow it, how to develop it in the proper way, also in an international scale.

    Diana Cubillos Rodriguez, Executive EMBA candidate
    And having a real sense of the local market was a key, a key aspect for me, for the career I wanted to pursue in Australia

    Carla J Samaha
    You really need to upskill. You really need to bring a lot more to the table than you think. And the EMBA really offers that.


  • Flexible course structure

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    How the EMBA will benefit your career

  • The EMBA in Entrepreneurship

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    Start with a Graduate Certificate

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    Entry requirements

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  • How much does it cost?

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    Industry connected learning

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